Marta González

Frontend Development

frontend web development

Hello World! 👋

I’m Marta, frontend developer ⌨️

If you want to know more, let me explain a bit about me, you can also take a look at the applications I’m developing on my own or visit my portfolio where you can see the projects I have done for clients either as a freelancer or through agencies.

For more information, contact me through the contact form.

Playground/ under development

Playground/ under development

Development of an online guide for natural spaces.

In this project, I used NextJS to create a dynamic web application that allows users to explore different natural spaces and discover detailed information about them. I also implemented Firebase to manage the database and user authentication, ensuring a secure and reliable user experience.

Additionally, I used Tailwind CSS to design a modern and attractive interface that enables users to navigate the application easily and find the information they need. The combination of these technologies allowed me to develop a fast, efficient, and highly functional web application.

Development of an online guide for natural spaces.

In this project, I used NextJS to create a dynamic web application that allows users to explore different natural spaces and discover detailed information about them. I also implemented Firebase to manage the database and user authentication, ensuring a secure and reliable user experience.

Additionally, I used Tailwind CSS to design a modern and attractive interface that enables users to navigate the application easily and find the information they need. The combination of these technologies allowed me to develop a fast, efficient, and highly functional web application.