Save Work in Progress in a Git Stash

Git allows us to temporarily save the changes we are working on in a branch without needing to include them in the staging area, and we can do this using the git stash command, which is equivalent to git stash push.

Saving Changes in a Stash

To save changes in a stash, use:

					git stash


A stash is similar to a draft; it’s a quick or temporary way to preserve changes in a local space that we can continue working on later.

We can have multiple drafts of our changes, which we can list using the command:

					git stash list


We can also save a stash with a descriptive message to differentiate it in case we have several items in the stash list:

					git stash save "descriptive message"

Recovering Changes from a Stash

To recover the last changes from the stash, we can use:

					git stash pop



					git stash apply

Both commands allow us to recover changes from a specific stash:

					git stash pop stash@{<stash_index>}
git stash apply stash@{<stash_index>}

Showing Differences in a Stash

We can see the differences of a stash briefly with:

					git stash show

Or use the -p (or --patch) option to see all differences in a stash:

					git stash show -p

When recovering changes from a stash, it does not automatically delete the stash, so it is advisable to do it manually.

Deleting Changes

To delete recent changes, use:

					git stash drop

We can also specify the index of a specific stash:

					git stash drop stash@{<stash_index>}


To delete all changes, use:

					git stash clear